The Naked Speaker


Simon Ekin – The Naked Speaker

I am Simon Ekin, The Naked Speaker.

For 25 years I have been fascinated and consumed with the notion of courage, and have written a book on it, called The Art of Courage.

I’ve been a professional speaker and leadership coach for all these years and I draw on my experiences of being a British Army Officer, a trans-African cyclist and photojournalist.

I have delivered over 1,000 talks in a concentrated effort to overcome my fears and practice courage so that I can teach others to do the same. I have designed a fool-proof 4-step process to help the people I work with to get their Mojo back. (Mojo is: Motivation, Optimism, Joy and Openness.)

I teach and speak about the following:

  • Vulnerability and fear aren’t just something to accept—they are something to celebrate. I’m here to make it them the superpower that transforms lives, yours and others. I’ll show you how to turn vulnerability (fear?) into your greatest strength.

  • I help you to turn fear into fuel. My mission is to help you face what scares you, and use it to grow. I want you to see challenges as doors to your greatest potential, rather than something that you run away from and that saps your energy.

  • This isn’t the usual self-help stuff. It’s a deep dive into what makes you powerful. You see, fear and vulnerability aren’t weaknesses—they’re the bedrock of true power. I’m here to redefine how we see and use them.

My talks are aimed at Leaders, Entrepreneurs and Professionals:

For Leaders:

Traditional, linear leadership is a façade, isn’t it? I help you strip it away, showing you how to lead with real strength—by embracing vulnerability. My approach isn’t just about making decisions; it’s about making an impact that lasts.

For Entrepreneurs:

Entrepreneurship isn’t about playing it safe. I guide you to harness vulnerability to drive innovation and bold action. With my method, you’ll build a business that stands out, because it’s built on real human connections.

For Professionals:

Your career shouldn’t be about fitting in. I show you how to stand out by being true to who you are. Use vulnerability as your strength, make moves that matter, and carve a path that’s both fulfilling and impactful.

You can expect my talks to be full of stories, metaphors and tips, so that you can be more courageous, authentic and have a lot more fun.

You’ll find me:

  • Empathetic: I get it. I’ve been there. I speak directly to the fears and dreams we all share.

  • Inspiring: My words are a call to action. They’re meant to move you, to push you to do more.

  • Authentic: No fluff, no filters—just raw, honest communication that resonates.

  • Empowering: My goal is to leave you feeling stronger and ready to take on whatever comes next.

This is my motto, I hope it becomes yours too:

“Courage to Be. Power to Act.”

What outcomes can you expect from my talks?

  1. I’ll equip you with my 4-step MOJO process to help you achieve any result you want, or at least make significant progress.

  2. I’ll show you why fear and vulnerability play such a huge role in our lives and how to convert those into opportunities.

  3. You – audience members – are the ‘stars of the show.’ I want to show you just how powerful and courageous you can be!

What does, “Courage to Be. Power to Act,” mean?

Courage to Be is about owning who you are, no masks, no pretending. It’s the strength to stop hiding and to show up as your true self. When you embrace your vulnerabilities, you gain a confidence that can’t be shaken—it comes from within. This is where it all starts: knowing yourself, accepting yourself, and being comfortable in your own skin.

Power to Act is the next step. It’s about putting that inner courage into motion. It’s about making decisions, taking risks, and moving forward, even when the path isn’t clear. This isn’t just about action for the sake of doing something; it’s about purposeful action. When you act from a place of authenticity, your actions have more impact. You’re not just reacting to the world; you’re shaping it.

Courage to Be. Power to Act is about living with intention.

It’s about being true to yourself and then using that truth to make things happen. This is what I teach—having the guts to be who you are and the bravery to take steps that turn that authenticity into real results.

It’s straightforward, real, and transformative.

This is the foundation for everything I do, from my talks to my coaching, and it’s the thread that will run through every part of my brand.



Marina Karstel, Head: Human Capital – Momentum Financial Planning, South Africa:

Si’s authentic, warm and courageous narratives and approach ignite a playful, yet safe and reflective energy which naturally awakens deeper awareness on how to discover, cultivate and maintain one’s Mojo, regardless of circumstances.”

Major-General Paul Nanson CBE, Director Leadership (Army) Commandant, Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst, UK.

“Simon’s talk really hit the mark. I particularly enjoyed his story- telling ability and communication style, which was relaxed, funny, authentic and informative.

I’d have no hesitation in recommending him to any organisation, as an after-dinner or keynote speaker, that is looking to enhance its leadership, communication and story-telling skills.”

Peter Matlare, former CEO, Tiger Brands:

“Courage is easy to talk about but hard to put into practice. The team continues to talk about your approach and the strength it takes to do that which you do.”


Transforming Fear and Vulnerability into your Superpower.

The biggest lies and stories most leaders buy into that rob them of the results they are looking for, and what to do about it.

The ‘invisible dragons’ most salespeople are not ‘slaying’ that are killing their pipeline, and what to do about it.

The limiting assumptions leaders, entrepreneurs and professionals make that hurt the customers, people and businesses they are in and what to do about it.

The biggest reasons most personal and professional development intentions don’t work optimally, and what to do about it.

The invisible obstacles to effective relating and communication that almost no one is talking about, and what to do about it.

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