Captain Londy Ngcobo

Former Ship Navigator and Africa’s First Female Dredge Master. Captain Londy Ngcobo is passionate about unlocking Africa’s ocean economy. With over 13 years of experience in the Maritime industry, her background includes Maritime Studies, International Merchant shipping experience, Advanced dredging from the Netherlands IHC, an industry-shaking role as a former Maritime Compliance Manager for Transnet National Ports Authority, Founder of Global Maritime Youth and Chief Executive of Womaritime Experts, a consulting firm in the shipping industry.

All which has led to Captain Londy Ngcobo well-known title “The BLACK MERMAID”

Ten years ago, at a pivotal moment in my journey, I stood at the intersection of despair and destiny, feeling the weight of the world’s expectations as headlines went viral: “Meet Africa’s first Female Dredge Master”. Faced with the pressure to have life neatly figured out, I found myself swallowed in the noise, struggling to discover my true identity under the public spotlight and numerous recognitions. But let me tell you something, you can never out-pose your true calling, it relentlessly pursues you and it always wins. So instead, I leaned into my passions: storytelling, art, and empowering others.

In that shift, I discovered liberation to chart a course away from my career as an Unlimited Ship Navigator of over 50,000 Gross Tonnage vessels and emerge as a now globally recognized speaker, conscious business leader, and present mentor. I found joy, I found myself, and I can assure you that purpose really does pay well. Today, I stand not by titles and accolades, but by my commitment to helping others Captain Their Destinies.



Come aboard for a transformative journey where I share captivating stories

of my life from ship to shore. My aim is always to enlighten and entertain

while imparting invaluable wisdom that aligns with my client’s goals.

  • Resilience & Reinvention

  • Culture and Diversity

  • Disruption and Innovation

  • Artificial Intelligence

  • Leadership

  • Growth Mindset

  • Change Management

  • Emotional Intelligence (EQ)

  • Mental Health and Wellness

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