Chris Bertish

Chris Bertish is a professional speaker, big wave surfing Mavericks champion, stand up paddle board Guinness World Record holder, best-selling author, award-winning film director, philanthropist, conservationist, educator, ocean pioneer and businessman.

He has become renowned for his dynamic and inspiring keynote addresses delivered around the globe, which move audiences to tears and laughter, with a powerful narrative and audio-visual overload that keeps people on the edge of their seats from start to finish.

Chris Bertish shifts boundaries and shatters perceptions of what’s possible, while using his voice, his stories and his adventures as a force for good and positive change.  He is B Corp and 1% for the Planet Certified, using his adventures and projects to support charities, both in the humanitarian, educational, sustainability and environmental realms, to bring about tangible positive change, inspiring us to give back, be better humans, become more purpose driven and discover our greatest potential. 

Chris Bertish is an Ambassador for the World View Climate Change Parks, Operation Smile, 2Oceans Aquarium and recently been taken on as a global Ambassador for Conservation International and through his business he annually plants multiple forests around the world, to be an example to others of the change we wish to see in the world.

He’s also been a part of a small team working on a new, innovative and forward thinking educational curriculum for the world, called “Ambassadors for the Planet”, which was recently endorsed by the U.N. and will be launched globally in 2020, teaching kids outdoors in nature, through design thinking, creating better humans, solution driven thinking youth, with the planet in mind more, creating mindful leaders.

Chris Bertish and his team have just finished his new feature film documentary called “Last known Co-ordinates”, on his mind-altering, purpose driven, solo, unsupported, Trans-Atlantic Sup Crossing journey. The film is set to launch globally in the early part 2020 and will inspire a generation to believe in what’s truly possible when you’re truly purpose driven.

Over the next two years Chris will be finishing up on his second Book “All in!” on his incredible Atlantic journey, while also working with his global team will be working on the Oceans 17 Project, a massive global project set for 2022-2023, where Chris Bertish will be circumnavigating the planet, building schools, delivering the new curriculum, planting forests, at 17 unique locations around the world, highlighting 17 of the worlds most endangered species, all tied into the UN’s 17 global SDG’s and doing this all completely powered by nature!

Thrive! Surviving & Thriving in Turbulent Times 

Virtual Talk

THRIVE is a 1 hour Virtual and Interactive talk & workshop via Zoom / WebX, designed to arm employees for the challenges they are currently facing.

Thrive will give them the necessary tools to face and overcome these unprecedented and challenging times, while staying positive, productive and emerging more evolved, resilient and even stronger.

10 Tools for Remote Success! For Business & Life 

Virtual Talk

As the Mavericks Big Wave Champion and the only person on the planet to survive in a tiny box sized space, paddling alone in the Atlantic Ocean for 93 days, Chris Bertish is probably one of the best and most qualified and equipped individuals to talk and give guidance on isolation and how to get through adversity, change and challenging times.

He has learned some highly valuable tools and skills that helped him get through these challenging times which he will share with you through this interactive Talk / Workshop.

Achieving the Impossible! The Mavericks Big Wave Story 

Virtual or In Person Talk

Chris Bertish rides waves the size of four-story buildings for fun. He won the Maverick’s Big Wave International surfing event in the biggest waves ever recorded in the history of the sport.

He holds the South African Open Ocean Stand Up Paddleboard (SUP) 24-hour Distance World Record.

Chris is living proof that if you truly believe in something, set your sights on your goal – no matter how big – if you work hard at it, stay focused and never give up, you can achieve anything.

The Maverick’s Big Wave Story tells the tale of how a regular working guy from South Africa manages to get halfway around the globe to win the prestigious Maverick’s competition (TITANS OF MAVERICKS), the world’s premiere, high adrenaline, big wave surfing event, overcoming seemingly impossible obstacles along the way, against all odds.

Unlock Your Superpowers! And Achieve Anything 

Full Day Workshop

A lot of people think of superheroes as having superpowers like flying or superhuman strength. But not all superheroes have extraordinary powers, and many are human just like us. In this workshop, Chris Bertish will dive deep into helping you unlock your superpowers, finding your passion and achieving your goals to make a true lasting impact.

You’ll walk through identifying your passions and big ideas, having the courage and belief to take action and start, creating a timeline and plan to accomplish your targets, and having the mindset and discipline to get you there.



Travels from: California or Cape Town (depends where he is at the time)

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