Dean Furman

Dean Furman is on a mission to transform the way the world thinks about innovation, disruption and the new age of work. He wants you to join him.

As CEO and founder of 1064 Degrees, Dean Furman partners with CEOs and leaders of companies of all sizes. He saves them from the agony of being disrupted and gives them a new mindset and toolset to disrupt their industry.

Dean’s knack for connecting things that others seem to overlook, was clear from early in his career. As a young Actuary, Dean twice won the Discovery award for the best annual actuarial innovation, beating a couple hundred more experienced peers.

In 2015, after launching multiple first to market innovations and products, he was appointed by the Alexander Forbes group to head up Innoruption Holdings – a disruptive skunkworks, focused on investigating and developing disruptive and ground-breaking new solutions.

As part of the journey, he created a new revenue generating division for the group, put together a multi-million rand partnership with a cutting edge technology provider in the US and developed other game changing initiatives. Dean’s success and his creations were highlighted by almost all top local publications and in 2016 was acknowledged by the Mail & Guardian as one of the top South Africans under 35 years old. Dean is the author of the acclaimed ‘Exponential Potential’ which was released in stores in December 2017. In his ground-breaking book, he shares his experience and covers practically every element of growing a company, innovating and disrupting in this new age of work.

Dean is more than a Futurist, he is a ‘Nowist’ – he believes that while tomorrow will bring even more amazing possibilities, today’s untouched opportunities are insane. What better way to prepare for the future than to create it today?


Dean has a diverse range of topics:

Unleash your Exponential Potential

Disrupt before being disrupted

Know-it-alls will go extinct, become a learn-it-all

New tools, New Rules

Global acceleration, so much more than just an inconvenient truth

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