Erik Kruger

Erik Kruger speaks on the topics of leadership, resilience, and high-performance. Over the past few months Erik has spoken for the likes of YPO New York, Entrepreneur’s Organization Global, Microsoft, Dell, Discovery, and more. And most recently did my first TedX talk.

Writing is how I process my thinking. Some of my books have been published and some can be found for free in e-book form. This includes titles such as Acta Non Verba, Lockdown Leadership, Hybrid Vigour, and Instant Evolution. I also contributed to The Book Every Business Owner Must Read

In 2018 I received my Master’s degree in Business and Executive Coaching. Since then I have applied myself to helping teams play at their very best. I create deep learning experiences for leaders and teams to accelerate their personal and professional development.

Erik Kruger co-hosts the Expansive podcast. We have more than 100+ glowing reviews and tens of thousands of downloads.

Erik is an associate at the Johannesburg Business School. I contribute regularly to GQ and, and various podcasts and radio shows. Previously I also wrote for Entrepreneur Magazine.

There is no security in playing it safe. In fact, those who retreat will be disrupted and made redundant. This is a time to be Dangerous. The only way forward is to take a deep breath and then willingly step into the unknown…

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