Joni Peddie

Joni Peddie is a Professional Speaker and Team Performance Strategist, Executive Coach and Strategic Facilitator, and is determined to enable people to build skills, awareness and capabilities in the various dimensions of resilience and wellbeing.

As a Behaviourial Strategist, Joni is the CEO of the business called Resilient People

Joni, focuses her work in the field of Mental & Emotional Resilience as well as Wellbeing in the workplace. The people that she deals with, are generally stress-rich, time-poor and suffer ‘decision-fatigue’.

Joni’s first book is called “The FAB Quotient” and she is busy writing her 2nd book called “5 specific and practical ways to BOOST your Resilience”

Joni Peddie speaks at conferences, which are now on larger ‘virtual’ platforms and facilitates team meetings (also virtually) on a variety of topics including: “performance issues / harnessing change / building Trust / EQ & Neuro-Leadership enablers ”.

Joni loves the outdoors and being active: hiking, trail or road running. She has 5 Comrades Marathons, and 6 Two Oceans Ultra Marathons under her belt.

Joni Peddie pride, joy and ‘true delight’ in her life are her two daughters. The youngest is at Stellenbosch University, and the eldest having finished a Post Grad Degree at GIBS, is now working with Joni.

Fuelling your body, Activating your brains & Behaviour : towards Self and Others!

Joni’s busy writing her 2nd book: SLEEP is The Swiss Army Knife of Health.

In addition, Joni facilitates EQ Workshops for Teams and uses the widely acclaimed ‘Vital Signs’ Internationally recognised Assessment (from Six Seconds, based in Dubai) to drive Culture and Climate Change in Organisations.

Besides facilitating organisational culture change, team performance workshops; speaking at conferences and writing books, Joni Peddie is an avid trail & road runner with 5 Comrades, and 6 Two Oceans Ultra Marathons under her belt.

As a Behavioural Strategist, her fascination lies in meeting and working with people from around the world. She is based in South Africa and loves to travel and immerse herself in different cultures.

Luckily her hubbie, Gavin shares the same interests and they choose off-beat places, both locally & internationally to travel to each year. Joni’s pride, joy and ‘delight in life’ are her two daughters, both studying. The youngest is at Stellenbosch University, and the eldest is doing her Post Grad at GIBS.

Joni Peddie Topics Covered

    • Resilience

    • Mental Wellbeing

    • EQ

    • Enneagram

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