Lesley Rochat

Lesley Rochat became the voice for those who cannot speak, refused to accept complacency or mediocrity, and above all, she has challenged conformities.

Apart from her many accolades and international awards in 2013 out of thousands of nominees and a grueling judging process Lesley Rochat won The Sunday Times/Johnnie Walker Nation’s Greatest Challenger Award, for which she was honoured at the Top 100 Companies annual event.

Multi-Talent. One Desire.
Before dedicating her life to conservation she had a high profile career as a model, professional actress and TV presenter.

She later diversified into the corporate world and became a successful financial advisor. But the oceans called and led her to her true vocation.

In 2003 Lesley Rochat founded AfriOceans Conservation Alliance, a leading marine conservation organization, for which she is the CEO.

She is also the CEO of Blue Pulse Pictures, her photography and documentary production company that sees her travelling to exotic and remote destinations worldwide.

This multi talented woman has been referred to as a dynamo and someone who “takes ideas and gives them wings”.

Her titles include documentary filmmaker, author, campaigner, photographer and motivational speaker.

Through her dynamic leadership, the AfriOceans projects continue to reach millions worldwide.

Her films and campaigns have won many prestigious awards while her work as an environmental photo-journalist has glossed countless publications.

As a speaker she has addressed audiences in Indonesia, Malaysia, United States, Bahamas, United Kingdom, Mexico and South Africa.

As a photographic expedition leader, and through her thousands of hours spent underwater in often very challenging conditions, witnessing some of the most spectacular events in Nature, she has come to know that everything we want to learn, we can learn from Nature. She has one burning desire: to help conserve our natural environment.

Brave. Respected.
Lesley goes to extremes: She trains mentally and physically in preparation for what others would never dare to do. She puts herself in unimaginable situations amongst the oceans top predators, sharks, to prove her point.

She’s brave: Armed only with her camera she captures some of the most disturbing footage to raise awareness about critical marine issues.

She’s the voice of our Oceans: on prime time TV News she  regularly challenges policies and practices that threaten our oceans resources.

She’s respected: Trevor Manuel invited Lesley to contribute toward the Global Ocean Commission process.

Her award winning work as an extreme conservationist, combined with her diverse careers that span across the arts, the corporate market, and now the challenging nonprofit sector, allows her a unique understanding of what it takes to succeed against all odds.

Lesley challenges, inspires, and motivates audiences with an emotionally charged multimedia presentation, which includes her compelling video footage and world-class photography that has documented her work with the oceans and sharks over more than a decade.

Lesley Rochat – Shark Warrior weaves her radical choices to put herself in potentially dangerous situations underwater into an awe-inspiring presentation.

Each of her talks focuses on a specific key topic linked to her intimate knowledge of one of the most misunderstood, yet simply awesome animals on our planet, and her journey to success, one fraught with many difficulties, but conquered with determination, passion and inner conviction.

Popular Talks
The Art of Super Survival | Baitball the new Business Model | Dare to Swim (Naked) with Sharks |

Passionate. Inspiring.
Her passion is contagious. Lesley Rochat – Shark Warrior knows how to inspire and motivate individuals and organizations to visualize, crystallize and become Super Survivors in our unpredictable, ever-changing world.

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