Rob Caskie

Rob Caskie shares his Stories of human trials and triumphs never go out of vogue, and mesmerising storyteller extraordinaire, with his walking stick and trademark shorts, brings them alive like no other.

Often in the settings where such stories unfolded, in South Africa and abroad.

In a world of instant gratification, the art of a powerfully told story belongs to few and relies on he who stirs the imagination.

Most interested in how people behave when challenged and under pressure, Rob Caskie believes we only reveal our true strength in adversity – and he shows audiences how they can draw on this to thrive in uncertain times.

Rob Caskie new keynote, ‘Engaging Intuition’, takes the familiar concept of ‘Ubuntu’, or interconnectedness, and repurposes it for today’s audiences.

While times may have changed, the virtues of goodness, positivity, intuition and sharing are perhaps more important than ever in South Africa – and Rob Caskie brings a message of hope into boardrooms and conference venues.

These lessons focus primarily on leadership, choice, victory and defeat.

Using his skills as a tour guide, Rob brings immediacy and passion to his keynotes, knowing just which messages to deliver to inspire, to create change or to entertain.

Importantly, Rob Caskie can modify content in such a way that it speaks to an event’s theme or a client’s objective – whatever the occasion, he delivers an important message in an accessible, engaging fashion.

Who would ever have imagined that sharing experiences about solo motorcycle journeys at university would lead to a career in storytelling?

Rob Caskie began sharing stories professionally in 2000, honing a unique talent for storytelling on the Anglo Zulu War battlefields. Bringing the drama of battlefields to life led to international speaking engagements.

My subject matter has expanded considerably, always essentially human stories.

There is a powerful thread of intuition and interconnectedness, directed at the better angels in our natures, which resonates so powerfully with audiences today.

Rob Caskie now has regular engagements at conferences / dinners and work as a specialist lecturer on Antarctic expedition ships.

All of which make for a wonderfully fulfilling vocation, entertaining audiences in the theatres of their imaginations.

With stick and trademark shorts, Rob Caskie pride myself in positive, unique storytelling and do not rely on electronic or visual aids – “when the lights trip, Rob Caskie does not”!

As a storyteller, I share human stories and behavior, particularly in the most challenging circumstances.

Lessons in intuition, interconnectedness and human endeavor will positively challenge the way you interact, work and lead your life.

In this age of entertainment overload, when last were you offered the opportunity of being entertained in the theatre of your imagination via the powers of great stories well told?

Storytelling emerges from the interaction and co-operative, coordinated efforts between Rob Caskie and an audience – what a privileged vocation.

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