Shakes Dlutu

Shakes Dlutu better known as ‘Shakes’ is a motivational speaker, youth group facilitator and Life Line counsellor.

His personal mission statement is to “constantly add value to people’s lives, by empowering them to believe in themselves”.

He first became interested in the field of personal development in 1995 when he was a student in the R.A.L.I project, a rich and diverse multicultural youth leadership program.

He went on to make history in the organisation, by not only becoming the first student to be an R.A.L.I trainer, but by being the first African person to do so.

Shakes is a natural and gifted speaker; he specializes in the ‘Victim to Victor’ and ‘Success is a Choice’ presentations.

His favourite program is the ‘Victim to Victor’ workshop – a potent and catalysing process designed to ‘create an awareness of the power of mind sets and their implications’.

Since 1994, ‘Victim to Victor’ has enjoyed tremendous success throughout the country and it has made an impact on the lives of more than 500 000 South Africans. By living what he speaks, Shakes has transformed his life and he has moved from a shack in Crossroads to a house in Constantia.

Audiences will leave Shakes Dlutu talks feeling highly motivated, challenged and inspired to implement these concepts into your personal and professional life.

Perhaps what is most inspiring is Shakes’s dedication and love for his family. You will not find him in the office after two in the afternoon, because the time thereafter is devoted to his two children and his wife in the evenings.

Whether sitting at Shakes’s table or at one of his talks, you will know that you are believed in and loved.

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